
Children receiving a lit christingle as a sign of Jesus as the light of the world
At the christingle service in mid December children receive an orange with a lit candle in the middle - this signifies the coming of Jesus as a light to the world.

The warden gets a helping hand with the hymn numbers
The warden gets a helping hand with the hymn numbers


You are welcome to come to services in our churches; for dates and times please check the Service Calendar for each month.

Click here to see the Service details for December and January

Services generally follow this pattern, but please check Amber News or the Services link for variations that occur with special events

Brackenfield- 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9:15am

Wessington- 2nd and 4th Sundays at 9:15am

Handley- 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10:45am


1st Sunday- Informal Communion with children's activities in Church

2nd and 4th Sunday- Holy Communion with children's group in the Bassett Rooms

3rd Sunday- All Age Worship

5th Sundays- please check for which Church is hosting a united service.

Children are welcome in services

Each church has a children's corner with books and games for young children and they are welcome at all services - see the Youth page for activites for youngsters of all ages.

Accessible to all

Each church also has easy access facilities, toilets and, apart from Brackenfield church, a hearing aid loop.